I AM HAPPY is a project I worked on as a Game Programmer during my MSc in Games, consisting in a top-down rogue like with heavy emphasis on its narrative aspects. The story follows Eve diving into her own mind and “literally” fighting her insecurities and fears.
The game was completed over the span of 4 weeks, during which I worked on different systems:
- I started with the character controller and the ability system, allowing the player to dash over gaps and obstacles and shield themselves from incoming projectiles.
- I helped tweaking the projectile controller as well as creating new patterns for the projectiles themselves.
- I implemented the inventory system and the stats manager, which enable the player to collect power-ups and get stronger throughout the run.
- I designed plenty of different rooms via a map-builder tool that was implemented by other members of the team
- I worked on the enemy controller and the enemy AI in general to allow for an increasing difficulty whenever the player beats a level.
Link to the game’s Itch.io page: https://salomes-crescent.itch.io/i-am-happy